Its name and ultra-neon decor suggest that Scene! might think it is the centre of coolness of Leeds’s drinking world. In reality, it’s the ho-hum bar of the Park Plaza hotel, right across from the station on Boar Lane. We walk by this place almost every day and have always been underwhelmed by how dull it looks, so our hopes were pretty low. Hotel bars are not known for their interesting beer selection or interesting atmosphere or really their interesting anything.
However, their bottle repertoire pleasantly surprised us, with Punk IPA, Brooklyn, Leffe, Erdinger, Midnight Bell, Hellfire and Blue moon on offer. The Cobra and Caffrey’s taps were less interesting but could definitely have been worse. And the prices are certainly lower than one normally sees at a place like this.
The atmosphere, on the other hand, is exactly as dull as we expected. It’s sleek enough to verge on sterile. The furniture is white; there’s neon and giant mirrors everywhere and it seems to be popular with business types or people looking for a classy modern hotel bar. We applaud them for hitting what they were aiming for, but the boring vibe (while pleasant enough) is definitely…well…not our Scene.
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